How to restart hass,io properly?

every time i try to restart it fails to come back up. i choose on the left side services (last line most left icon) and then Domain: homeassistant and Service: restart.

this does not work since a couple of versions.

Mine does this like every other time, and sometimes it reboots just fine. I usually end up having to pull the plug and reboot.

I usually restart it from hassio menu, 3 dots menu, restart hasiio.
Or from ssh, hassio homeassistant restart

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And this always works for you?

ok, i’ll try that way.

I used the three dots for a while with success. Things have changed now. Anyone know the proper way to restart?

I use Hassio > System > Reboot (or SSH using PuTTY)

For restarting HA alone (not a full reboot) from the UI, I’ve found Configuration > General > Server Manager > Restart. It seems to do the same thing as the old menu did. Found it by chance; unfortunately there didn’t seem to be any notification that the old menu we all used would be disappearing.