How to return "Insteon" item to sidebar menu?

at one point, after installing and using the Insteon integration for a while, “Insteon” appeared as one of the items in the sidebar of my app.

now, it no longer appears there and i can’t figure out how to get it back and there are some occasional times where i’d like to be able to go directly to the insteon page.

i’ve forgotten how i originally enabled this and also forgotten what i might have done to make it go away. anyone know how i can restore it?

click-and-hold at the top of the sidebar brings up “edit” mode where i can see some items including a few that were previously disabled and i can click the “+” button to restore them, however “Insteon” doesn’t appear here.

to be clear, i know how to navigate to the Insteon configuration page - what i’m looking for is how to restore the sidebar menu item that jumps directly to it.

Is this an add-on? There’s usually a “show in sidebar” switch on the Info page.

as far as i know insteon is not an add-on. there is no “Insteon” entry under Settings>Add-ons (unlike e.g. z-wave). insteon logs show up in “home assistant core”.

There’s an item in the cookbook: