I use a zigbee 4 channels relay in order to control my swimming pool with ZHA (https://fr.aliexpress.com/item/1005003956868874.html)
one channel is for the pump of the pool, the sesond one is for the electrolyser, and the third one is for the heat pump.
My goal was to not change the way of the pool work before I use home assistant, in order to be able to continue to use my pool if the home assistant server has a problem.
For that I put the pool pump in parallel of the existing installation (I use the COM and NO port).
The electrolyser is coupled with the pool pump, and I just want to be able to shut down the electrolyser if I want via the relay (like if the pool temp is under 15°C in winter for example). So I use the COM and the NC port.
Everything work fine, but the switch in the HA interface is not represented correctly since I use it in reverse mlode (ie when it is on, the electrolyser is off). So here is my question. It is possible to invert the representation of the switch in HA. ?
I hope my question is clear enought.