How to rotate Octoprint camera image and stream?

I’ve searched the forums and I’m just not seeing any solutions that don’t involve installing a ton more components.

Issue: my octoprint camera is upside down and I would like to rotate it

most of the guides and threads are out of date and don’t apply anymore, or the other common “solution” is installing HACS and then something to edit the card it’s on. i’m not understanding the documention for that “fix” so i’m unable to apply it, also it seems somewhat of a shotgun-for-a-fly fix that i’d rather not implement.

for the smart asses in the room:
no, i can’t re-orient the camera
no, i’m not turning the printer upside down
no, i’m not turning my head to view it

the camera works fine in octoprint, but that’s POST manipulation of the stream, I can’t figure out how to modify the original stream

if my only solution is going the HACS route i guess I will, but that just seems to overkill for something that i would have thought would be simplier.


I agree 100%.
Same issue here.
No solution yet.

Careful what you wish for. I am a smart ass. It’s the dumb-asses you have to watch out for.

The custom card: card-mod will do what you want:

type: custom:mod-card
style: |
  ha-card {
      transform: rotate(180deg);
  type: picture-entity
  show_state: true
  show_name: true
  camera_view: auto
  camera_image: camera.octoprint_camera
  entity: camera.octoprint_camera

Well not 100% but a first step…
1.) You have to install card-mod via HACS.

2.) Name and sate turns also

3.) If I click for the stream it is still not rotated.

Are there some additional advices for a dummie like me :-).

  show_state: false
  show_name: false