I currently have a door sensor and a roller shutter
my first automation was : move the roller down at night => very easy as i used the sunset event
my second automation was : move the roller down at night if the bay window isn’t open => still very easy as i simply added a condition that checks the door status
but now it came to my mind :
if i’m outside(the bay window is open), night begin and i’m still out, then i go in minutes or hours after sunset (i don’t know in advance this time)
how can i do automate that the roller should move down once the bay window is closed if outside is already night ?
or is the sunset still valid in middle of the night ?
I’m rather new at this myself, but I think you want the sensor for sun above horizon or below horizon. This would be true after the moment of sunset has passed.
for this you need 1 automation with 2 triggers and 2 conditions.
triggers: sunset and closing window
conditions: sun = below_horizon and window is closed.
I don’t want to steal the learning curve from you but do let me know if you need help
The sky’s the limit.
Conditions are AND by default, so as long as you want only AND conditions, simply list them one after the other.
check the docs for examples: