Hello together
At home, we have a batterie from the company Sonnenbatterie. At the moment I’m writing a component, that can read from the batterie API because there doesn’t exist something for homeassistant.
However, there is more then 1 value, which is important for the powercontrol. I get each time this json:
{"BackupBuffer":"0","BatteryCharging":false,"BatteryDischarging":true,"Consumption_W":631,"Fac":50,"FlowConsumptionBattery":true,"FlowConsumptionGrid":true,"FlowConsumptionProduction":false,"FlowGridBattery":false,"FlowProductionBattery":false,"FlowProductionGrid":false,"GridFeedIn_W":-40,"IsSystemInstalled":1,"OperatingMode":"2","Pac_total_W":591,"Production_W":0,"RSOC":60,"SystemStatus":"OnGrid","Timestamp":"2019-06-28 22:28:07","USOC":57,"Uac":239,"Ubat":49}
How should I save around 5 to 6 values each round I’m checking the API? The only way I see is to do it, is to make a separate table in the database. Or is there another Idea how I could do it. Probably I overlook something.
I already thank you for your help.