How to save 'not changed' state of entity

I record the heat production my heatpump.
My heatpump output this value as an upcounting meterreading.
But only when there is a change of this meterreading it is stored in de db.
When I export the data of the database it looks like:

As you ca see there are no values between 13:55 and 16:06.
Now it looks like that the production of 0,1 kWh took place in that period, but in fact it took place in the period 16:04 and 16:06. When the state at 16:04 was recorded than there was no problem.
My request is: is it possible to record the state of an entity at an definable interval ? Also when it is not changed?
Then we get better graphs.

Thanks in advance.

What sort of sensor is it?

If the heat pump has a delta function that only reports changes greater than 0.1kWh then that’s an issue with your heat pump, not home assistant.

The sensor is part of a custom component:
Writing a component for Luxtronik Heatpumps.
Every 60 seconds all data are collected from the heatpump.