How to scrape more values with 1 sensor/scrape?

I use this to scrape tv-guide/whats playing now. But scraping all channels 1 by 1 will send to many requests to the website i scrape. Can i scrape multipe values/indexes with just 1 sensor/scrape

- platform: scrape
resource: https://www.
name: npo1 nu
index: 1
scan_interval: 999999
select: “.section-item-content”
- platform: scrape
resource: https://www
name: npo2 nu
index: 2
scan_interval: 999999
select: “.section-item-content”
- platform: scrape
resource: https://www
name: npo3 nu
index: 3
scan_interval: 999999
select: “.section-item-content”

The interval i change with node-red when the tv-box is on, so it will update the sensor(s) every 10 minutes.