How to search the entity_registry and output a list of used voice aliases

in Discord I was helped by Petro to find a way to to search the core.entity_registry for those aliases and present a list of all used in the system.
Goal: when creating new aliases, dont use old ones… or similar for that matter, to not confuse the assistant …

each entry in entity_registry has a list for aliases. Either [], or like this:

        "aliases": [

we ended up suggesting a command in a terminal using:

import json
filename = r"\\homeassistant\config\.storage\core.entity_registry"
out = []
with open(filename, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as fh:
    data = json.load(fh)
    for entities in data['data']['entities']:
        for alias in entities['aliases']:
            if alias not in out:
  1. This does not require python on the HA system

  2. all it requires is access to your HA config folder

  3. you’ll have to use python >= 3

for that to work

I have 3, 2 should be ok too as I share via Samba. And yet:

I cant make this run from any terminal though, so to make discussing this somewhat easier, I am opening this quest here.

a jinja template would be nice, but then we would probably need to paste the full entity_registry, so that wont work…

python_scripts doesnt allow imports, and we need some import to JSON.

maybe there’s another solution>

Id appreciate what you can throw at me

I’m finding this super useful, but would also be great to know which entity it relates to, ideally for identifcation purposes, using the devices friendly name. I know this info isn’t directly in the file and you’d have to use the entity_id to cross reference it somewhere else.