How to see actual state tariff in utility meter?


With the new changes on the utility meter and select option, I’m a bit confused. Until now i could see the state of the tariff on the utility meter, for example utility_meter.daily_energy, now the only option It show on the card “entity” is select.daily_energy and this is a manual selector and not the tariff selected on this moment. How i can see the tariff enabled on the actual moment?


The state of the select entity. e.g.

Thanks for the answer, seems the result is diferent depending of the card. For example wih the card “entities” it shows a selector and with the standalone card from “entity” it shows the state

I don’t know if this is correct or not

Yes that is correct.

If you want a “read only” display in an entities card you will have to create a template sensor to follow the select entity state.