How to see what's going on with insteon (logs?)

i’m new to HASS migrating an insteon system from another controller.

i’m looking at settings>system>logs and looking under the “home assistant core” logs. is that the right place to look?

how can i see logs of relevant insteon events? i observe that under settings>devices&services>insteon there is an “enable debug logging” setting i can toggle.

with this turned on, i see a huge volume of logs.

with this off, i see nothing.

with neither setting am i actually able to connect what i see in the logs to actual events or user-level things that are happening. for example, when i select “read from device” or services>load all link database, i get a message that says “this may take a while”, but i can’t see anything in the logs that connects to this to tell me when it is starting, when it is ending, nor whether it succeeded.