I am working on my Halloween automations. I have one that uses an input_select list to play a random spooky video on my projector. It works great, but it all-too-often selects the same video that was played last.
Is there a way to modify my code below so that it still selects a random option, but not the one that is currently selected?
# x = Count of input_select options
# i = Randomly selected option index
- service: input_select.select_option
entity_id: input_select.ghost_video
option: >
{%- set x = state_attr('input_select.ghost_video','options') | length | int -1 -%}
{%- set i = (range(0, x) | random | int) -%}
{%- set options = state_attr('input_select.ghost_video','options') -%}
{{ options[i] }}
Thank you, @123 ! This is great! One more question. There is one more option that I want to hard code so it is never selected by this automation. The below seems to work. Does this look correct to you?