At the moment I am using node-red control my blinds based on time and the outside temperature. However due to a glitch in the way IKEA implemented the blinds you can close them to +100%. (Just have node-red/home assistant keep spamming the “Close” command.)
So in order to prevent this issue I have to use a “current state” node followed by a “call service” node. Since I have 3 blinds that currently looks like this:
Since this code is not really nice I want to clean it up a little bit so I only have to create 1 “main” flow containing 3 subflows where each subflow has a specified entity in it’s configuration so it knows where to send the command to.
So I see my new subflow as something like this:
But I don’t know how to get the subflow “configuration” wired into the “entity” of the “curent state” and “call service” nodes.
So the data I enter in the 1st screen (subflow instance) should be transfered to the “Entity ID” of the last screen.
But what do I need to enter in the “Entity ID” field?