How to send image from Eufy doorbell to whatsapp

I followed this Youtube video to get my doorbell notifications on my phone.
This works fine, but now I would like to receive the images in a WhatsApp group.

I have a WhatsApp notification working, but if I use the code that arrives properly on my phone for this WhatsApp group, I only receive the text but not the image.

action: notify.mobile_app_telefoon_xxxx
    media_content_id: media-source://image/image.deurbel_event_image
    image: /api/image_proxy/image.deurbel_event_image
      - action: ALARM
        title: Alarm
      - action: SNOOZE
        title: Snooze
  message: Deurbel beweging gedetecteerd

The snooze and alarm part is not necessary, but the image is.
Does anyone have any idea how I can get this into this WhatsApp group?

action: whatsapp.send_message
metadata: {}
  clientId: default
  to: [email protected]
    text: |-
      {{ now().strftime('%d %b %Y - %H:%M')}}
