I’ve set up an ESP8266 with Tasmota to control my Mitsubishi Heat Pump. I configured an MQTT climate similar to this example which shows up nicely as a thermostat card.
Then I added another ESP/Tasmota with a DHT22 to sense room temperature. I can configure the MQTT climate to pick up this separate temperature as well.
The problem is that my heat pump needs to be told about the room temperature (using the HVACRemoteTemp MQTT command I believe) before it will actually run the heat. As it stands, the thermostat card in HA will show for example current temp = 68 target temp = 72 mode = heat, but the heat pump won’t actually operate because it has its own notion of the current temp.
Is there a way to configure the climate to forward the remote room temperature reading received from one MQTT topic to the MQTT command topic for the heat pump? If not I can set up a separte automation for it, but before doing that I wanted to check if I’ve overlooked some builtin way to do that.