How to separate blinds with shutters with homekit?

So i have for each item, covers, climate, switch, etc a homekit connection where i define a list of items.

In the blinds i have added my blinds and also my shutters. I changed the type accordingly also in home assistant but the issue i have if i say, open the blinds it will also open the shutters. Since both the blinds and shutters fall under the ‘covers’ section. Even though i say blinds/shutters it always does both.

If i say, turn on the airco to 20 degrees, it also turns on my central heating since the airco and central heating are both haning under ‘climate’

how can i solve this? do i need to split this up even further? I now have:

Would making 2x a climate bridge with only those items solve the issue or is there a better way?

I’ve noticed with the climate naming i can call 1 “Airco” the other one “Thermostat” this makes them act different.

But even if i call my awning ‘Dog’, if i then tell it to close the blind it also closes ‘Dog’ i mean why would it do that? Should i make a seperate bridge so they are not grouped instead?