How to set default dashboard?

Hey there,

In short, I have two dashboards… one is my default and the other is a mobile version of the default.
Currently for a user to change to the mobile version, they need to go to HA-Profile and change it manually.

My goal is make a automation that changes the dashboard based on which device you use (pc or phone). However I have no idea how to do that

An alternative would be to make a button that can change between dashboards… the problem is I dont know how to do that either :sweat_smile:

If anyone can help me out, that would be hugely appreciated!!!

I never worked out how to do that either.

That’s an easier one. I did that for a while (then just went back to setting a default on the device).

You put a button on each dashboard that navigates to the other one using the tap action, navigate:

  action: navigate
  navigation_path: /lovelace/mobile-view/home
  action: navigate
  navigation_path: /lovelace/home

Hey Tom,

thanks for the help! I will definitely use tap action.

I will also leave this forum open, maybe in the future someone will answer our prayers :joy:

You could set up separate users. Have a main user for your desktop or common machine. Then do mobile dashboards specific to mobile users.

Good idea, however this solution does not work for me sadly.
Since my workers use this HA as well.

  1. Some panels in the dashboard are made to be seen by specifc users.

Also having two different users for each dashboard will make things harder to remember and you will spend more time logging in and out all the time.

I tried to make a custom button card for this. but it crashed :frowning:

type: custom:button-card
  action: navigate
  navigation_path: /toronto-office-overview/home

I got an idea…

instead of making a button for each dashboard… why not make a input select that way it will show you a list of dashboards you can choose from…

I started but I dont know how to identify each dashboard. do I make an entity for them or something?

name: Dashboards
- Toronto Office
- Mobile Toronto
initial: None
icon: mdi:home