How to set different background color/image for cards in lovelace using card_mod?

Please help me to figure out what am I doing wrong. I want to have different colors for each card, but seems that last style applies to all previous cards.


I notice you’re using custom html cards. Have you tried doing this with a standard HA card, just to see what happens? Maybe a tile card?

I don’t know how to style standard HA cards, this is why I used custom html. Do you have some example?

Card mod works in much the same way (though tile cards have quite a lot of built-in options):

      - type: tile
        entity: light.study_spotlights
        icon: mdi:track-light
        vertical: false
        show_entity_picture: false
        hide_state: true
        color: '#becbf1'
          action: toggle
        name: Study
          style: |
            ha-card { 
              {% if is_state('light.study_spotlights', 'on') %}
              --ha-card-background: #364366;
            {% endif %} 

Why use --ha-card-background and not background?

With only 1 card, works ok, but I need 3 html cards with different background color.

This is my view configuration:

  • last HTML card overrides css for previous
  • markdown cards work ok, keep individual css settings

This is the output:

@thomasloven is this a bug or what am I doing wrong?

This is not a card-mod issue IMO.

The issue is actually the way the html-card is designed. If you stack the cards inside individual stacks, the card-mod works fine. The cards do not appear to me to be ::slotted() when in an individual stack.

type: custom:stack-in-card
  - type: custom:html-card
    title: HTML card
    content: >
      Sun state: <b>[[sun.sun]]</b>, elevation:
      style: |
        ha-card {
          background: pink !important;
          color: black;
  - type: custom:stack-in-card
     - type: custom:html-card
       title: HTML card
       content: >
        Sun state: <b>[[sun.sun]]</b>, elevation:
        style: |
          ha-card {
          background: green !important;
  - type: custom:stack-in-card
     - type: custom:html-card
       title: HTML card
       content: >
        Sun state: <b>[[sun.sun]]</b>, elevation:
        style: |
          ha-card {
          background: teal !important;

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Another option…

Others may have better suggestions.

type: custom:vertical-stack-in-card
  - type: custom:html-card
    title: HTML card
    content: |
      Sun state: <b>[[sun.sun]]</b>, elevation: [[sun.sun.attributes.elevation]]
  - type: custom:html-card
    title: HTML card
    content: |
      Sun state: <b>[[sun.sun]]</b>, elevation: [[sun.sun.attributes.elevation]]
  - type: custom:html-card
    title: HTML card
    content: |
      Sun state: <b>[[sun.sun]]</b>, elevation: [[sun.sun.attributes.elevation]]
      style: |
        ha-card {
          color: black;
          border-width: 0;
           --ha-card-background: dodgerblue !important;

           --ha-card-background: green !important;
           color: yellow;
         --ha-card-background: teal !important;
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html-card is not using shadowDOM, so the styling is “leaky”. I think the workarounds above are the best solution.