How to set Garage Door Cover Icon Color?

Hey all –

I have a working garage door cover. It is on my dashboard using a button card (the built in HA one). The only problem is that when I activate it, the icon turns purple instead of yellow like all of my other icons when they’re activated.

How do I set the icon color to yellow like all of my other icons when they’re activated?

Thank you for any information anyone might have for me.

You could change the type from Cover to Switch

There is no such a thing - “activated”.
Entity has a state.
For some domains a state could be on/off, for covers - open/closed/…
For these domains which have a fixed set of states - colors are predefined in a default theme: each state has some color.
And icons on stock cards may be shown using these state-dependent colors.
If you dislike a purple color for a door - you may re-define it to whatever in a custom theme.