How to set GPIO when Home Assistant starts

I have Home Assistant installed on a RaspberryPI 3B+. An 8 channel relay is connected to the GPIO pins as listed below. My problem is that when HA starts, all of the relays are active.

I have tested the relays and all work as advertised when a python script turns them on or off.

How do I change this so they will not be active when the Pi restarts?
Note: I am new at this so please bear with me.
…from the configuration.yaml file

GPIO setup


  • platform: rpi_gpio
    02: Garage Door
    03: Lock Door
    17: Unlock Door
    27: Fan
    22: Air Purifier
    10: Patio Lights
    09: Patio Fan
    19: Patio Power

Never mind. I figured it out. All is well.

GPIO setup


  • platform: rpi_gpio
    invert_logic: True
    02: Garage Door
    03: Lock Door
    17: Unlock Door
    27: Fan
    22: Air Purifier
    10: Patio Lights
    09: Patio Fan
    19: Patio Power