I am a beginner with HA, I am trying to activate and deactivate two pins of a Raspberry GPIO to control two relays.
I have read the Documentation (Raspberry Pi Remote GPIO - Home Assistant) and many more which seems to be deprecated (calling for rpi-gio)
My configuration yaml, looks now like:
# GPIO Raspberry
- platform: remote_rpi_gpio
host: localhost
23: Signal_Relais_1
24: Signal_Relais_2
Logs shows nothing, but I do not manage to create a switch object using these entities.
The documentation explains that a preparation of the controlled PI is required (remote_gpio.html
However apt command is not available in the terminal of the HA.
I’d appreciated some help on the subject
Home Assistant 2022.11.2 Supervisor 2022.10.2 Operating System 9.3 Frontend 20221108.0 - latest installed on a raspberry pi3 following [Home Assistant Operating System/ Installation]