How to set HA to control GPIO pins of the Raspberry on which HA is installed?


I am a beginner with HA, I am trying to activate and deactivate two pins of a Raspberry GPIO to control two relays.

I have read the Documentation (Raspberry Pi Remote GPIO - Home Assistant) and many more which seems to be deprecated (calling for rpi-gio)

My configuration yaml, looks now like:

# GPIO Raspberry   
   - platform: remote_rpi_gpio
     host: localhost
       23: Signal_Relais_1
       24: Signal_Relais_2 

Logs shows nothing, but I do not manage to create a switch object using these entities.

The documentation explains that a preparation of the controlled PI is required (remote_gpio.html
However apt command is not available in the terminal of the HA.

I’d appreciated some help on the subject :innocent:

Home Assistant 2022.11.2 Supervisor 2022.10.2 Operating System 9.3 Frontend 20221108.0 - latest installed on a raspberry pi3 following [Home Assistant Operating System/ Installation]

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same problem for me

Search at this point lead to me understand that the HA cannot handle GPIO port directly

Installing remote GPIO is out of scope for the Home Assistant documentation.

…, it is not local GPIO, it is remote GPIO. It is not meant to be run on the Home Assistant device itself. Home Assistant doesn’t support GPIO locally.

As alternate, I am trying to learn docker and install Home Assistant Container

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