I have a shelly relay that I want to repurpose. The energy sensor has a value of 7.4kWh and I want to set it back to zero. It’s state class is total_increasing
I’ve deleted all related entities & the device, deleted long term statistics, renamed the device from it’s own webpage and powered in down. Then restarted HA, repowered the device & set it up (different device/entity names) and it still has the energy value of 7.4 !
Searching the topic provides lots of advice on eliminating spurious values but I haven’t found any reference to zeroing (or deleting) the accumulated total. I don’t really want to create another sensor with a -7.4 offset.
Presumably this is a value calculated and stored on the relay itself which HASS just reports verbatim. You probably should do some sort of factory reset on the relay.
-faceplant- Did not think of that! Just assumed the value was in HA.
Thank you greatly
Edited to add: there is a ‘reset counters’ in the device web interface - too simple !
For good measure, you may also want to purge the long-term statistics and the recorder for the data of that device so that your own data that Home Assistant has recorded actually go back to zero.