How to set state to an input_select?

I try to set state in automation to an input select but it fails and i have no errors in log.

my code for automation

  - alias: "Desactive alarme quand j'arrive"
     - platform: state
       entity_id: device_tracker.hokagegano_r7sf
       from: 'not_home'
       to: 'home'
        service: input_select.select_option
        entity_id: input_select.alarmselect
          state: "off"

i tried with option in place of state, it fails too …
if you have any informations on that :wink:

Try this:

  - alias: "Desactive alarme quand j'arrive"
     - platform: state
       entity_id: device_tracker.hokagegano_r7sf
       from: 'not_home'
       to: 'home'
      service: input_select.select_option
        entity_id: input_select.alarmselect
        option: off

thanks i try that :wink:

It rocks the correct syntax need “off” for option but it works thanks … again :slight_smile:

Excellent :slight_smile:

in the same area, how can i use a var from input_select with “time” platfrom?
like :
platform: time
after: ‘input_slider…’
is it possible?
i want the user to tell the system when to activate the trigger