which I have in the system for ages, and now try to add the available to the sensor config:
binary sensor:
- unique_id: boiler_bijkeuken_state_binary
state_topic: '70:B3:D5:6F:31:F2/powerswitch-zwave/0a48c2e8/state'
- topic: '70:B3:D5:6F:31:F2/powerswitch-zwave/0a48c2e8/available'
payload_available: true
payload_not_available: false
name: Boiler Bijkeuken state
<<: *binary
or the regular sensors for states:
- unique_id: boiler_bijkeuken_actueel
state_topic: '70:B3:D5:6F:31:F2/powerswitch-zwave/0a48c2e8/usage'
- topic: '70:B3:D5:6F:31:F2/powerswitch-zwave/0a48c2e8/available'
payload_available: true
payload_not_available: false
name: Boiler Bijkeuken actueel
<<: *power_2500
- unique_id: boiler_bijkeuken_totaal
state_topic: '70:B3:D5:6F:31:F2/powerswitch-zwave/0a48c2e8/power'
- topic: '70:B3:D5:6F:31:F2/powerswitch-zwave/0a48c2e8/available'
payload_available: 'true'
payload_not_available: 'false'
name: Boiler Bijkeuken totaal
<<: *energy_plug
nvm the yaml anchors, they hold merely some value_template and class info.
I’ve tried both quoted and unquoted true/false but all remain unavailable in the HA states.
Was struggling with which available options in the docs: MQTT Sensor - Home Assistant I need, because there are a few, also with availability_topic, which I tried at first. However, since the value is true
and not the default ‘online’ I have to at least make that explicit via the payloads. I did try an additional availability_template on that _topic, {{ value == 'true'}}
and also {{value == true}}
but all to no avail…
Please could anyone have a look, thanks!