How to set the correct attributes path in these Rest en Command_line sensors

failing to see the correct structure, please help me out here:

  - platform: rest
    name: Iungo firmware
    resource: !secret iungo_url
    method: POST
    payload: '{"seq":1, "method":"fw_get_remote_info"}'
    value_template: >
    json_attributes_path: > #also tried {{value_json.rv.fw}}
      - date
      - status
      - build
      - version
    scan_interval: 86400

  - platform: command_line
    name: Iungo firmware cmd
    command: >
      curl -X POST -d '{"seq":1,"method":"fw_get_remote_info"}'
    value_template: >
      - date
      - status
      - build
      - version
    scan_interval: 86400

both result in the correct value_template, but both fail to set the attributes.
this is the output of the curl command:

curl -X POST -d '{"seq":1,"method":"fw_get_remote_info"}'
 "rv":{"fw":{"date":"Fri Aug 21 16:01:24 CEST 2020","status":"","version":"1.5","build":"3638"}},

thanks for having a look!

using $.rv.fw is supposed to bring me to the correct path,

but doesnt work either, it simply doesnt return any attribute

Your path is $.rv.fw. You’re most likely running into some other issue.

yeah thanks
Any thoughts on an issue? I’ve set error level to debug debug

and nothing is returned.

also, how could I get to the attributes using the command_line sensor? where does that pickup from, since there is no way to set a path ?


Changing to a single line for the attributes_path did the trick:

  - platform: rest
    name: Iungo firmware
    resource: !secret iungo_url
    method: POST
    payload: >
      {"seq":1, "method":"fw_get_remote_info"}
    value_template: >
    json_attributes_path: $.rv.fw
      - date
      - status
      - build
      - version
    scan_interval: 86400

returns nicely:

now how to get that in the command_line sensor…