How to set the scan interval of a sensor (noob version)

Complete noob here. I have 3 switchbot meters each with 3 entities to it: (Battery, humidity, and temperature). I know switchbot has a 10k polling limit a day. My questions are:

  1. If I have in total 9 entities (3 meters), does that mean each entity contributes to the polling and therefore my max polls per entity per day is actually 10000/9?
  2. Where can I go to change the polling interval? I heard that this is called scan interval but I do not know where to go and find it. I have the file editor add on installed. I see people posting text where they set “scan_interval: 60” which is great but I do not know where to put that text into. Does that go into a script somewhere or is it going into configuration.yaml? Could I have some guidance with pictures of where I should click to do this? I’ve really tried searching google high and low and usually the advice given assumes that the reader knows the fundamentals.

Hello Paul Pereira,

Look here:
Common tasks - installation independent - Home Assistant.