How to set up Hassio to stream video from an AWS database to a smart TV

I am hoping to set up my Hassio system to receive a video streamed from AWS and stream it directly to a smart tv. I have a Hisense Roku TV 5209x and would like Hassio to be able to turn on the TV and then stream a video that I have stored on AWS.

Does anyone know if this is possible to do? I imagine there will be an MQTT component that controls turning on and off the TV, as well as a separate component that streams the video.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!


There is a roku component. Apart from that you need to look at hiw to play media.

Thanks for this info. I will look into it. Do you know if powering on and off the tv requires MQTT? I already have my Hassio system set up with an MQTT configuration and I don’t think Hassio will allow more than one configuration.

Actually it looks like I can just make a switch that uses the TVs IP address to power it on and off:

Thanks for the help!