How to set volume on Chromecast media player after turning it on?

You might try using the CEC controlled ARC audio extractors. They are only $25 or so. That may actually work to solve your problem and keep the volume control on the Chromecast.

Let us know what you settle on!

Hey, for those interested here is my workaround to avoid Chromecasts blaring at eardrum busting level upon restart:

PRIOR TO launching a cast,

  • read the Chromecast’s current volume e.g. 55% (you can use go-chromecast -a ip volume from a Linux console, or using device.volume() from the chromecast-api node.js library)
  • force the Chromecast volume to a DIFFERENT value (e.g. by subtracting 1% to the read value).

These steps can also be easily automated using the HA integration.

THEN you can launch the cast, via any app (including via go-chromecast -a ip load or the chromecast-api lib with the guarantee the physical volume will never max out unless you want it to :slight_smile:
