How to setup HA ok raspberry in a way to migrate it to a VM in the future?

I want to buy a mini PC to run Linux on it and run HA on it given so many people have said that in their experiences running HA on a RP3 is unsustainable in the long term due to the frequent writes. However I don’t want to wait to buy a mini PC yet (given I haven’t found the “right” one). I do have a RP3 now. I’m curious if I can install HA someway that it is migrateable to another PC in the future.

Can anyone tell me how I can do this?


Hassio is the easiest to set up and get started. Migrating is a matter of backing up the HA configuration and then restoring it to your new system.

The config directory is portable among all the install methods. You might have to delete the .db file when switching system to system but everything just transfers over fine

If I already have the RP3 running raspbian + desktop can I just use docker to install hassio?

Yes. When you’re looking at the page for installation, look for the Generic Linux Install

I run on “As a virtual appliance:” HASSIO on HyberV. I Just moved my backup from Rasbery to HyperV install simple as that. I run my Test Lab on HyperV the new hyperv images are very stable even though it say Beta on download page.