How to setup kasa ec70 in home assistant

I have picked up a Kasa EC70 camera from Amazon and wanted to use it with HA.
It works with their app on my android cell phone but, I can’t seem to get it to work in HA. I have done some googling and find how to’s from several years ago using HACS addons. I have no luck with them either. Does anyone have a Kasa EC70 working that can point me in the right direction?


@duke_fl Did you ever get it figure out? I picked one up and saw your post when I started googling. :slight_smile: cheers.

GitHub - WinkeyLin/tplink-camera: TP-Link Camera Integration for HomeAssistant.

doesn’t look like its gonna be easy-peasy…

aaaand I don’t see RTSP settings available… we may be SOL