so how do i setup pushover notifications on the home assistant?
In configuration.yaml:
- name: pushover
platform: pushover
api_key: !secret pushover_api_key
user_key: !secret pushover_user_key
In automations.yaml:
Here is a simple example:
- alias: High freezer temperature
- platform: numeric_state
entity_id: sensor.freezer_govee_temperature
above: 25
minutes: 40
service: notify.pushover
message: Freezer temperature has been above 25ºF for 40 minutes
priority: 1
sound: gamelan
id: 12345
Here is more complicated example:
- alias: PulsePoint Close Event City Fire Department
platform: template
value_template: "{{ \n is_state_attr('sensor.pulsepoint_sopa', 'close_to_key_location',\
\ true) }}\n"
service: notify.pushover
message: 'Close to : {{ state_attr(''sensor.pulsepoint_sopa'', ''key_location'')
}} {{ state_attr(''sensor.pulsepoint_sopa'', ''desc_short'') }} {{ state_attr(''sensor.pulsepoint_sopa'',
''address'') }}
url: comgooglemaps://?center={{ state_attr('sensor.pulsepoint_sopa', 'latitude')
}},{{ state_attr('sensor.pulsepoint_sopa', 'longitude') }}&zoom=18
priority: 1
sound: siren
id: 12345
wait where is the configuration yaml, its not acessable through the ssh/terminal add on, or at least if i do ls it doesnt list any yaml files. and if i vi notify.yaml it comes up blank. (thats what youtube said to do so idk)
I grew up with Home Assistant from the command line days and configuration.yaml.
I would use the Home Assistant documentation and their GitHub resources and the definitive guide. You can break your configuration.yaml in many different ways…
If you run your home and life from ‘thats what youtube said to do’ well good luck in general…
good hunting!
I got it, it was in a config folder, also that’s why I asked on here before cocking up my home assistant setup by assuming I understand the documentation. Its a rpi running raspberry pi os off ssd which runs a no-ip DUC, PMS, a vpn installed on the raspberry pi os, and a docker supervised home assistant. This took like, legit, 2 days to get completely setup, and I just got the this Google drive backup thing functioning about an hour ago, which, in hindsight, I should have been using all along. Idk if entering folders through ssh might take ownership or something or change permissions and break something so idk. Also I added it to the main yaml because there didn’t appear to be a notify.yaml.
So for some reason it is saying Error loading /config/configuration.yaml: Secret ********(api key) not defined.
I censored the key
You can read up on using the Secret feature of Home Assistant here:
Eh. Just gonna link it through hubitat.