I like to show the status of a switch in de frontend without the possibility to change/ toggle the switch.
Just show “on” or “off”
I did try a boolean_input. But that is also switchable.
Any ideas??
Thanks, I will have a look
If you completely own your device it’s possible to do this directly on the switch with esphome
I’m doing something like that (exposing the relay state via binary_sensor
to HA) but the it’s not possible to turn it off because of no exposed relay control.
Just a “restart” button
can be pressed - forcing turning the relay off
for 10 seconds and then on
again. The same happens when the button on the plug is pressed - it will never be off
I did write a template.
It is working
I did make a template:
- binary_sensor:
- name: "Sproeier Status"
state: "{{ states('switch.sproeier') }}"
That is working, but how to change the icon?
I tried to add icon_template: “mdi:radiobox_marked”
and picture: “mdi:radiobox_marked”
icon_template is unknown
and picture is not changing the icon?
you almost had it.
And if you want to change it based on state then…
{% if is_state("switch.sproeier", "on") %}
{% else %}
{% endif %}
Thanks for the answer
icon: is also not working/ changing the icon
I tried that also
pfffffff stupid me it is: radiobox-marked instead of radiobox_marked
Thanks again