How to show logs for garage door cover

My garage door automation consists of a relay to trigger the opener and a tilt sensor to detect the door status. I use a template to show the status of my garage door in lovelace as an open or closed door icon. This all works great but when I click the sensor, I see no log data because it’s the status of the template and not of the tilt sensor. Is there a way to see the tilt sensor data when I view the logs of this template?

example of no status:

My sensors are defined as:

    - name: "Single Garage Door Sensor"
      state_topic: "shellies/shelly1-3C6105E3A497/input/0"
      unique_id: "single_garage_door_sensor"
      qos: 1
      payload_on: "1"
      payload_off: "0"

    - name: "Single Garage Door Relay"
      unique_id: "single_garage_door"
      payload_on: "on"
      payload_off: "off"
      qos: 1
      state_topic: "shellies/shelly1-3C6105E3A497/relay/0"
      command_topic: "shellies/shelly1-3C6105E3A497/relay/0/command"
      json_attributes_topic: "shellies/shelly1-3C6105E3A497/info"

        friendly_name: "Single Garage Door"
        unique_id: "single_garage_door_template"
        value_template: "{{ is_state('switch.single_garage_door', 'on') }}"
          service: switch.turn_on
            entity_id: switch.single_garage_door
          service: switch.turn_on
            entity_id: switch.single_garage_door
        icon_template: >-
          {% if is_state('binary_sensor.single_garage_door_sensor', 'on') %}
          {% else %}
          {% endif %}