How to start automation when 'Satel Integra' is armed?

I want to start something when ‘Satel Integra’ alarm is armed…
But not sure how start the automation. Is it ‘state’ of alarm control panel? Or other trigger?

The end of automation is simple - I want to call serice to change Honeywell TCC settings…

Go to Developer Tools → States and see what the state of the alarm entity is when you are away. Then trigger when the alarm changes to the desired states.

A, yes… I see that. Possible states I assume are ‘disarmed’ or ‘armed’.
But where to put that in automation? What field to use in ‘visual editor’?

YAML code for ‘away’ action is following:

alias: Change Evohome temperature when away
description: Change temp. of heating system when Satel alarm is armed
  - platform: state
    entity_id: alarm_control_panel.dom
condition: []
  - service: evohome.set_system_mode
      mode: Away
mode: single

The states are probably, disarmed, armed_home, armed_away. I don’t use the visual editor, but you should put the desired state in the to field.


  - platform: state
    entity_id: alarm_control_panel.dom
      - "armed_away"
      - "armed_home"

Thank you… Much more clear now. I’ll check…

Strange… When automation manually started - it works. In below example - when armed, then Evohome is going to Away mode.

alias: Change Evohome temperature when away
description: Change temp. of heating system when Satel alarm is armed
trigger: []
  - condition: state
    entity_id: alarm_control_panel.dom
    state: armed_away
  - service: evohome.set_system_mode
      mode: Away
mode: single

But when I want to use Satel panel in my HA - then the alarm is armed or disarmed, but notting happens to evohome. No any change…

The condition part should be in the trigger part. As you have it now, there’s no trigger so the autonation will never fire.

alias: Change Evohome temperature when away
description: Change temp. of heating system when Satel alarm is armed
  - platform: state
    entity_id: alarm_control_panel.dom
    state: armed_away
  - service: evohome.set_system_mode
      mode: Away
mode: single

This guided me to that:

alias: Change Evohome temperature when away
description: Change temp. of heating system when Satel alarm is armed
  - platform: state
    entity_id: alarm_control_panel.dom
    to: armed_away
    from: disarmed
condition: []
  - service: evohome.set_system_mode
      mode: Away
mode: single

I’ll check tomorrow if this is working…

You don’t need the from part, except if you only want it to trigger if it was disarmed befored it got armed_away.

Why do you need to wait until tomorrow? Just arm the alarm and see if it works.

Yes, but with the proposed syntax there is an error message:

2021-10-20 18_44_18-Configuration - Home Assistant

Lol, you are right, the state: armed_away should be to: armed_away

Looks like automation is working. Thank you for help…