I’ve added the ring-mqtt integration and I’m able to get the latest snapshots and rtsp live streams of my cameras.
I want (like 99% of all users) to show a card on my dashboard with the latest snapshot and when clicking on that card the live stream should open in a bigger popup.
I tried so many things but I can’t get this work. If I use “generic camera” with the rtsp streaming url of my Ring camera, then I’m able to see the live stream, but the live stream never stops. So if I close the popup the generic camera integration is still streaming in background (even though it is not enabled to stream in background!). Not stopping the rtsp live stream is a hugh problem with Ring. It is not designed for that.
So I also tried WebRTC. With WebRTC I’m able to start and stop the live stream, but don’t have a card with only a snapshop and clicking anywhere on it opening a big popup with automatically showing the live stream. The snapshop is not shown and switching between the snapshop (or any other image) to the live stream is performed by clicking on a small label on the upper right corner. Not user-friendly.
Then I tried browser_mod. Showing the snapshop in a card, and when clicking on it using the popup card from browser_mod to show the WebRTC camera card. That is working, but when closing the popup the WebRTC camera card is still streaming invisible in background…
Later I also want to automatically open the popup to show the live stream when someone rings the doorbell. In this case I would also have the some problem if the live stream is never stopping and still running in background.
So why are card not stopping there code when closing? Why is generic camera never stopping the rtsp stream? Even if I use a local camera without any cloud service like Ring, I only want to have an active rtsp stream when viewing the live stream and not the whole time in background.
Same issue here… I installed it yesterday and it was working fine until at some point in the night it suddenly started the streaming, according to the Logs it tried to switch off every 12 minutes but few seconds after it was automatically turned back to On. I wasn’t able to stop it, the only way was to restart HA… Hopefully this is just a setting issue that can be fixed… let’s see if someone can support.
Did you get anywhere with this? Ring_MQTT seems to be always triggering live stream. Now what’s strange is that until recently I had a simple automation running for several months and never had an issue - motion trigger->browser_mod popup.
Then suddenly my camera went flat (it’s solar so it lasts quite well under load) and I assumed th battery had died given it never charged. New battery, and now its charging but its seems to live stream continuously on random occasions and never stops.
Same issue… I tried stopping and starting add-on services, but no luck. Disabling the live feed also doesn’t help. It keeps draining the battery. Has anyone found a solution to this problem?
I think I got a workaround for now. I removed ring camera instance from RTSP2Web and it has stopped the live stream for me. I am not using Ring for live feed anyway, so hopefully, this workaround should work permanently unless it wakes up again and drains the battery.
I have found a solution that currently works for me for about 2 weeks:
Integrate Ring via Ring MQTT Addon
Add the desired camera (in my case the Ring Doorbell Pro) as a generic camera (rtsp URL)
Install WebRTC camera with HACS
Install browser_mod with HACS
I then created an automation. When the doorbell rings, the display of my Amazon Fire tablet is switched on and, using browser_mod and the WebRTC camera card, the live stream of my front door camera is displayed in a pop-up. If the pop-up is closed manually or closed by a timeout, I manually switch off the live stream myself. I have also added the WebRTC card directly to another tab in the dashboard so that I can manually watch the live stream at any time. I have noticed that in this configuration the live stream also turns off automatically when the pop-up closes or you switch the tab away from the camera in the dashboard. This takes some time, i.e. the live stream continues for some time before it is actually ended. So I manually end the live stream in the automation. For me, that’s enough for now, as my main concern was to see who is at the front door when the doorbell rings. The tablet hangs right next to the front door.
Incidentally, Ring will officially be offering a new plan from November where the cameras will record a live stream 24 hours a day. Then it wouldn’t be a problem at all if you opt for this more expensive plan. In that case, you can have the live stream permanently displayed on the dashboard, or whenever you want to look in, you can ignore whether the live stream ends or not. Unfortunately, at least at the beginning, not all cameras seem to be supported for this. I don’t think the doorbells are included yet - which would be the most important thing for me.
alias: Open Live Stream
description: ""
- trigger: state
- binary_sensor.haustur_ding
to: "on"
conditions: []
# this action turns the display of my Amazon Fire Tablet ON:
- type: turn_on
device_id: 123456
entity_id: 654321
domain: switch
# this action opens a popup over the current dashboard view to show the live stream:
- action: browser_mod.popup
dismissable: true
service: switch.turn_off
entity_id: switch.haustur_live_stream
service: switch.turn_off
entity_id: switch.haustur_live_stream
type: custom:webrtc-camera
entity: camera.XYZ
size: normal
timeout: 60000
style: "--mdc-theme-surface: black;"
ha-dialog$: |
div.mdc-dialog__scrim {
backdrop-filter: blur(4px) !important;
-webkit-backdrop-filter: blur(10px) !important;
background-color: rgba(0,0,0,0.1) !important;
mode: single