That sort of looks like my code that I’ve posted several times to load the forecast into a sensor. What exactly are you looking to get? You say you don’t want this in an attribute, which means you want a SINGLE value from a SINGLE forecast entry to be the state of your sensor. What value are you looking for?
You can make the state be whatever you like, for instance if you just want the condition:
You helped me a little yesterday and I’m still struggling to get all of my weather related stuff working.
Thank you for showing me that. I just didn’t understand if I delete the below out and replace with your idea if that was going to mess things up. I’m pretty sure that date thing is just a place holder for the state of the sensor that doesn’t really do anything.
"{{ now().isoformat() }}"
I think this will help me get the rest of it going possibly. I will know shortly.
Thank you again and I’m sorry that I’m so lost. Essentially I am trying to fix a bunch of broke things in my setup. I haven’t touched the background/ yaml in years honestly.
Yes, the state as the date/time was just because, for me, I did want it all in attributes and that just kept me informed as to the last time it was updated. You don’t need to use attributes at all if the only thing you are after is a single value.
Hello - I’m relatively new to home assistant. I’ve been having similar trouble using the weather.get_forecasts to give me the correct response to the openweathermap forecast information.
I am able to get good data from the actions section of the developer tools…