How to stream internetradio to the analog output of raspberry?

hey people,

first of all sorry for my bad english.

i´ve got a question concerning radio-streaming on hassio.

actual i have the possibility to turn on a knx-switch to start a internet-radio stream, which plays the songs on the analog output of my raspberry. this project works fine with fhem.

but now, i want to migrate completely to hassio. is there any possibility to achieve the same goal, as it is now with fhem?

is mopidy perhabs a solution? i need a possibility to combine a knx group-adress with a “play-function”. i hope you can understand my question.

merry x-mas!

Merry Xmas back. What software are you using for playback.

Hi! Thanks for your reply. I have found a solution by myself: i do Not use the analoge Output of the Rpi anymore. Instead, i use the Google audiocast which is fully integrated in HA.

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