I have now added my second house to Home Assistant Compagnion (2 HA servers).
How should I switch now to my second house/server? The app starts by default on my first house, but I cannot figure out how I can switch to my second house/server.
Looking forward to your suggestions. Thanks.
on ios swipe from bottom up with 3 fingers
I am on Adroid, and it might be similar. But I don’t understand your proposed action. Could you clarify? Thanks.
Same on android…
Put three fingers on the screen and swipe up.
aha, now I understand and in works. Thanks!
I wasn’t aware it was (recently) implemented on android as well, good to know !
Btw, you can also go to settings/companion app and select your server and hit activate, but 3 fingers is faster
On iOS you can 3 finger swipe left to right or vice versa to swap servers. Swiping up brings up a list for you to choose. Doing it horizontally is quicker.
Is there any way to make this happen automatically, ie when you leave the home zone switch to a different server and vice versa?
Yes, you’ll need 3 switchbots & 3 extra (human) fingers though
Once that part’s done, the rest of pretty easy
On my Android (real me 5 gt, with real me ui) it does not work: swiping up 3 fingers asks for a second app to split the screen.
A menu item would be much more effective and easy to find…
Is this 3 fingers method still working? I can’t use it on my OPPO, swiping up it gives split screen option or left and righ does nothing…
Same here on OnePlus Ace 3. Disabling the “3 finger split screen” option in the OS disables the 3 finger split, but the app does not enter setup/change servers either.
This is a real bummer.