Please let me ask how I would easiest switch between my 2 Pond pumps periodically. They can be switched off when temp is below 6 degrees, but I want one on always to prevent the pond from freezing completely .
Right now I have this automaton trigger me (have still to set them manually… soon to be changed by adding extra switches) when temperature changes to the threshold values:
- alias: Vijverpomp mag uit
id: 'Vijverpomp mag uit'
platform: numeric_state
entity_id: sensor.owm_temperature
below: 6
hours: 1
- condition: template
value_template: >
{{ 5 < states('sensor.owm_temperature')|float < 7 }}
- condition: template
value_template: >
{{ is_state('input_boolean.notify_utility', 'on')}}
service: notify.notify
title: Vijverpomp mag uit
message: >
De vijverpompen {{'mogen uit' if states('sensor.owm_temperature')|float < 6 else 'moeten aan'}}
want het is {{ states('sensor.owm_temperature') }} graden.
- alias: Vijverpomp moet aan
id: 'Vijverpomp moet aan'
platform: numeric_state
entity_id: sensor.owm_temperature
above: 6
# for:
# hours: 1
- condition: template
value_template: >
{{ 7 > states('sensor.owm_temperature')|float > 5 }}
- condition: sun
after: sunrise
# after_offset: '+00:00:00'
- condition: template
value_template: >
{{ is_state('input_boolean.notify_utility', 'on')}}
service: notify.notify
title: Vijverpomp moet aan
message: >
De vijverpompen {{'mogen uit' if states('sensor.owm_temperature')|float < 6 else 'moeten aan'}}
want het is {{ states('sensor.owm_temperature') }} graden.
Been trying to make 1 out of these 2, but for reasons of extra triggers in the ‘Aan’ automation I didn’t do so just yet.
I now need to add an automation that periodically (lets say each day) cycles the 2 switches, left and right, under the condition they can be switched Off. (basically temp being below 6).
I might even add another power saving condition/automation when temp is below 0, the cycle period would double to day 1 pump left On, day 2 both pumps Off, day 3 pump right On, day 4 both pumps off, restart cycle.
Any thought how to approach this best?