How to sync my Home Assistant with my Google Calendar

Hi! I am running five small studio rentals in the city. I would like to ask if it would be possible to synchronize my Home Assistant with my Google Calendar.

I would like the Assistant to make adjustments such as AC temp, Thermostats, turning lights off 5minutes after the rental session expires so people would be notified and leave the room. All of these from the Calendar notifications that the Assistant has to follow,.

Is there any way to make that happen?

you can do it the other way round

there a google add in

then with some logic

if I create a appoint with #GAS-off

    - condition: template
      value_template: >-
        {% set lookfor = "#Gas" %}
        {% if state_attr('calendar.gas_heater','message').split('-')[0] == lookfor %}True{% else %}False{% endif %}

then I have this Action

    - data:
        entity_id: input_boolean.livingroom_climate
      service: input_boolean.turn_{{ state_attr('calendar.gas_heater','message').split('-')[1] }}

so now I can #GAS-on trun it on and @GAS-off trun it off

hope this help