How to sync Sensor Data?

Dear all,

I have a problem. One Inverter in the basement for the solar panels on the roof. This one reports values quite randomly (FoxESS). As soon as it reported a value, there might go some time (0 seconds up to 2 minutes) until the next update is coming in.

Then I have a sensor on my Net-Meter, that reports the Net Power every 5 seconds. So sometimes When the Inverter reports e.g. 3.000 W - then after 5 seconds the net-meter reports 2.000W. Means 1.000 W is going into the net. But that may not be correct, if the inverter has - in these 5 seconds - obtained another value e.g. 2.200W.

The Net-Meter is readable through a tasmota SW. Are there any chances to synchronously pull data from the Tasmota device? Do you guys also have these issues ? How did you solve this?
Thanks so much in advance!