How to synchronize individual lights and groups of lights together

Hello everyone!

I have two LED zones in the bedroom. One by the bed and the other by the desk. Both on Miboxer FUT037S+ controllers connected to esp8266_milight_hub. Below is a video showing the lack of synchronization between the bed/desk and the bedroom, which controls both zones. The lights are controlled correctly - only the dashboard is in the wrong state. The situation is the same when I control it with the remote control and when I control it from the dashboard.

The bed/desk state becomes correct when I click ON on those zones. Is it possible to make this happen automatically?

Is it possible for the bed/desk to be in the correct state after making changes to the bedroom?And the other way round - is it possible to refresh the bedroom state after turning off the bed/desk - when they both OFF also bedroom should be OFF?

I’m just starting out with HA and I’m stuck on this problem. How do you deal with this topic? Below is my configuration.

Milight Hub configuration:
As new user I can only put one embedded media item in a post that’s why I put here Google Photos link.

0x2249 is the ID of my physical remote control.

Home Assistant automation:

- alias: MiLight Forwarder
  initial_state: true
    platform: mqtt
    topic: milight/updates/0x2249/fut089/+
  - service: mqtt.publish
      topic: milight/commands/0x2249/fut089/{{ trigger.topic.split('/')[4] }}
      payload_template: '{{ trigger.payload }}


After spending quite a bit of time configuring/reading, I have come to the conclusion that using group “0” (group “all”) is not a good idea.

  • I deleted the “0/all” group on Milight Hub
  • I deleted the automation from the previous post
  • I created a helper to which I assigned all the lights

Everything works exactly as I wanted with one small exception. Always one of the five lights does not respond to a color change - I mean the color of the light on the dashboard card, the color of the physical lamp is always correct.

Brightness Change - Works for all lights
On/Off - Works for all lights
Color change - always works for four out of five lights. The correct color appears on the card only when I change the brightness or turn it off/on.

All lights are connected via the same bridge (esp8266_milight_hub).

I deleted everything and added it again several times. After some time, I noticed that after restarting HA there was a change. The lamp that did not respond to the color change works properly, but the other lamp does not respond to the color change. The change only occurs after HA restart and there is always a problem with one (probably randomly selected) lamp.

Restarting Milight hub doesn’t change anything.
Reloading the light helper doesn’t change anything.

Light hub - today I updated the firmware but it didn’t change anything.
HA - today I updated to the latest version but it didn’t change anything.

Any tips on where and what to look for will be helpful!