How to tab a paragraph in HA Frontend editor?

Does anyone know how to tab a entire card entry? When a card is embedded in say grid everything in that card needs to be tabbed over to the right two spaces.

Is there a way to highlight all of the text and move it all two spaces to the right at once?

I’m a bit unclear about what you mean.

In a stack, you can use blank cards as fillers.

Blankcard Blankcard Realcard Blankcard

Although there is probably a better way to do it now

Click on the cog (top right of the editor), choose Editor Settings, scroll down and set tab width to 2, then save.

Then as you have already said, select the text in the editor and press the tab key.

EDIT: I suspect you may be talking about the card editor under “show code” - if so the default spacing is already 2, select code and tab…

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Oh lol. I totally misread that.

Shift tab to go the other way

Thanks guys that works

In Code Editor and in the Basic File Editor in HA.

Highlight all then Tab… To the right… I think of that as indenting for first lines in paragraphs.
Highlight all then Shift Tab… To the left…

two spaces:)

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