Hi. Is there any way to tell what protocol devices are using to communicate? 500, 700, 800, Long Range, etc?
I have a LR stick and a LR device, but they only have the normal 20ish foot range. I realize this means they are communicating via some other protocol than LR but would like to see it as a first step to figuring out how to fix it.
Assuming you are using Z-Wave JS, it doesn’t support Long Range, so you can eliminate that. All your devices will be communicating with the normal (mesh) protocol.
Hi @freshcoast . That is really strange because within the settings it lists both “USA” and “USA Long Range” as an option. That is disappointing that they do not support it. You would think people would be up in arms wanting it.
Is there any means to use Long Range if I switch from Z-Wave JS to something else?
That is the region setting. To use LR, the US Long Range region must be selected, but in addition the software must also support switching the controller to LR mode when including devices. The software does not support this.
There are very few LR end devices on the market currently. I’d guess less than 20 (almost all Zooz), so not much demand at this point. As Z-Wave JS is a single-person project, there are higher priorities. You still benefit somewhat as the 800-series has better RF performance.
I think Z-Wave.me might. Maybe Hubitat? Not sure really. You can try asking whoever sold you the LR devices.
I appreciate your frustration. Here’s the way I look at all new tech - patience.
Since it’s new and not widely deployed it’s probably full of bugs. Since I don’t want to spend time on buggy things - I’ll wait on the sidelines - monitor this forum - and get on board when it looks stable. Regarding 800 series controllers - I’m still waiting for backup and restore to be proven out, so I can backup the 500 stick, restore it to the 800 stick and if it falls flat I can just replug in the 500 stick.
Since it’s open source - priorities are set by the contributors. You can influence this by making your own contributions, providing a monetary donation, and being a constructive part of the conversation.