Hi everybody,
I recently acquired a IAMMETER 3-phase power monitoring device. I successfully configured it with my actual dual-tarriff of my grid supplier.
I’ve managed to do the same monioring in HA. To to this, I’ve created two tarrifs (offpeak and standard prices), used an automation to update current price (final price) with a schedule plan. In the latter, ON state corresponds to standard price and OFF state corresponds to offpeak price. In my automation, I used triggers to change the final price when my schedule changes from OFF to ON and vice-versa.
Finally, using the built-in Energy dashboard of HA, I fed it with my 3 power sensors (for each phase), along with the final price (which updates correctly using my automation). I’ve compared the daily consumption of IAMMETER with HA’s dashboard, and everything is working very nicely !
Now, I would like to track the ratio of the energy (kWh) consumed during offpeak times over standard times. For example, let say that my offpeak times are 00:00-06:00 and 22:00-24:00, and in between, 06:00-22:00, it’s standard time. Then, let’s suppose I draw constantly 1kW during the whole day, then my ratio would be 8/16 = 0.5.
In a real situation, power drawn varies constantly and my idea is to have an indicator that will help me to maximize that ratio so that I can shift my habits to offpeak times. By the way, my supplier reports to me that for the last decade, my ratio hasn’t changed (near 0.5), I want to have an eye on this because during the last 5 years, I have really made an (big) effort to consume during offfpeak period. Now, I really want to verifiy eveything with my own means and not rely on what my supplier gives me at the end of each year…
I don’t know how to monitor this ratio on a daily basis (idealy, a time selection filter like on the Energy dashboard of HA would be very nice) and track it in HA.
Has anyone done such tracking ? Can anyone help me to implement this ?
Thanks for your remarks, help and advices.