Not sure but will remember i got same with other numbers. Send ”hej” and your test sensor receive it as 103. I check it again when home.
The nano with a mcp2515 module is reading and writing on the canbus line in my car, from beginning HA was not included to the project. After some time I add a wemos d1 to connect it to HA. The idea is I want my read canbus and send interesting data to HA like battery voltage, diesel heater sensors… Already successfull write buttons to send data from HA, now i want receive data to HA. If it is in decimal or text dosent matter, much data that I want to receive will be in hex.
Should be 104, symbol “h”.
I guess you are using Serial.print() on your arduino code, which is converting data to ascii. You could use Serial.write if you want to send hex. Then read it byte by byte on your Esphome. The example I posted reads the first byte.
Otherwise you have to convert the serial data to string and use text sensor instead.
I see. Your example work but as you say everything it receive shows as ascii, maybe it can be harder to translate in HA. Did you maybe had a example of a text sensor just to have someting to begin with. I test a textsensor before but it not shows as a value, it shows everything as a endless value. Im not so good coding but want to learn, small examples had helped me before to write bigger codes both to HA and arduino ide.
It all depends what you want to accomplish. If you send hex values and want to use these values to automation or you send some text to be visualized in HA…
It sounds intresting and thanks, the main idea is to import hex strings. Someone by specific byte in string will be converted to decimal values, and someone will be conveterd to a binary on/off sensor. Like (0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00) = switch state on, or (0x02, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 = switch state off) for a example.
Tested your example but get following error. Sorry. I realy trying to read and understood what you send me in both examples, but I still not understood right.
Failed config
uart: [source /config/esphome/esphome-web-74a6c6.yaml:50]
- id: uart_bus
number: 1
output: True
input: False
open_drain: False
pullup: False
pulldown: False
analog: False
inverted: False
number: 3
input: True
output: False
open_drain: False
pullup: False
pulldown: False
analog: False
inverted: False
baud_rate: 115200
direction: BOTH
dummy_receiver: True
- 0x7E
bytes: 150
timeout: 100ms
- then:
Couldn't find ID 'desk_height'. Please check you have defined an ID with that name in your configuration.
lambda: !lambda |-
UARTDebug::log_int(direction, bytes, ','); // Log the message as int.
UARTDebug::log_hex(direction, bytes, ','); // Log the message in hex.
name: esid
friendly_name: esid_dosa
name: ${name}
friendly_name: ${friendly_name}
min_version: 2024.6.0
name_add_mac_suffix: false
name: esphome.web
version: dev
#- uart_read_line_sensor.h
board: esp01_1m
# Enable logging
baud_rate: 0
# Enable Home Assistant API
# Allow Over-The-Air updates
- platform: esphome
# Allow provisioning Wi-Fi via serial
# Set up a wifi access point
ap: {}
# In combination with the `ap` this allows the user
# to provision wifi credentials to the device via WiFi AP.
package_import_url: github://esphome/example-configs/esphome-web/esp8266.yaml@main
import_full_config: true
# To have a "next url" for improv serial
id: uart_bus
tx_pin: GPIO1
rx_pin: GPIO3
baud_rate: 115200
direction: BOTH
dummy_receiver: true
# bytes: 9
# timeout: 10ms
delimiter: [0x7E] #Specific end byte
- lambda: |-
UARTDebug::log_int(direction, bytes, ','); // Log the message as int.
UARTDebug::log_hex(direction, bytes, ','); // Log the message in hex.
ESP_LOGD("custom", "Bytes size: %d", bytes.size()); // Log how many bytes in the message.
if (direction == UART_DIRECTION_RX) // Check message direction (Change to TX if required)
if (bytes.size() == 9) // Check number of bytes
if ( bytes[0] == 0xF2 && // Check the first three bytes and the last byte
bytes[1] == 0xF2 &&
bytes[2] == 0x01 &&
bytes[8] == 0x7E
int height = (bytes[4] * 256) + bytes[5]; // Do some operations with some bytes.
id(desk_height).publish_state(height); // Publish results to a sensor.
- platform: template
name: "Dieselvärmare"
optimistic: true
- uart.write: "heater_on\r\n"
- uart.write: "heater_off\r\n"
- platform: uart
name: "Dieselvärmare På"
data: "heater_on\r\n"
- platform: uart
name: "Dieselvärmare Av"
data: "heater_off\r\n"
The main idea is to import hex strings and convert specific bytes to decimal valus, also if possible convert bytes from specific hex strings to on/off state values. My first idea was if I could receive the data as a sensor to HA, it will be possible later to convert the specific bytes with a template from configuration.yaml
Then the code on post#33 is what you need, just pick bytes[…] for corresponding template sensor. Line of code and you can use it for binary template sensor (on/off) .
But can that code import hex data? it feels like it import as ascii and then convert it to decimal. Is it possible to import as hex then? Also wonder. The data hex strings that will be imported, is the format important. I mean if it matters if it come as “00 00 00 00” or “00:00:00:00” or “0x00, 0x00; 0x00, 0x00” ? Sorry if I sounds dumb, just trying to learn.
For example, make 5 template sensors and send values from Nano. Update the sensors
id(testsensor1).publish_state( bytes[0] );
id(testsensor5).publish_state( bytes[4] );
I see, thanks. Do you know if it is posible to create a template who add two sensor to one? For a example my nano send 0x12, HA see it and convert as T1=48 / T2=120 / T3=49 / T4=50 in decimal. I want to read only T3/T4 and add it together to get “49, 50” who can be converted to “12” in ascii. Maybe not the best way of course but it is the best I can find out. Thanks for your patience for a dumb person
[21:38:12][D][uart_debug:158]: <<< "0x12"
[21:38:12][D][sensor:093]: 'T1': Sending state 48.00000 with 5 decimals of accuracy
[21:38:12][D][sensor:093]: 'T2': Sending state 120.00000 with 1 decimals of accuracy
[21:38:12][D][sensor:093]: 'T3': Sending state 49.00000 with 1 decimals of accuracy
[21:38:12][D][sensor:093]: 'T4': Sending state 50.00000 with 1 decimals of accuracy
[21:38:12][D][sensor:093]: 'T5': Sending state 128.00000 with 1 decimals of accuracy
T3 and T4 shows “49” and “50”. I want to add this two to one value"49, 50". When this two shows togheter as “49, 50” it will maybe be possible for a template to convert “49, 50” back to hex “12” or decimal “18”.
Ahh, you are still sending ascii, not hex. so ascii 0=48, ascii x=120 etc…
That doesn’t make sense.
If you send Serial.write(123); from Nano what you get on Esphome byte [0] ?
DOH! I think I found the problem, or one of them. My nano had every time sended serial.write(“123”), when it send serial.write(123) things begin happen. Byte [0] now shows as 123 when I send (123) or 18 if I send (0x12), before it shows as 49 becuse it read every letter as a byte. Now even Mahko_Mahko:s example is working and it do it mory easy to separate when several hex strings sends att same time.