I am creating a template sensor as below, based on the state of a binary sensor.
I am sure I should not be using time_pattern as the trigger - instead I should be triggering based on the state of the binary sensor (binary_sensor.shelly_plus_1_spa_heater_state)? Does that sound right? And how would I go about setting this trigger?
- trigger:
- platform: time_pattern
seconds: "/30"
- name: "Spa Solar Watts"
unit_of_measurement: "W"
device_class: power
state: >
{% if (states("sensor.day_night_elec_indicator") == "day") %}
{% if states('binary_sensor.shelly_plus_1_spa_heater_state') == "on" %}
{% set spa_watts = 1500 %}
{% else %}
{% set spa_watts = 0 %}
{% endif %}
{% if spa_watts == 1500 %}
{% if (states("sensor.phase_2") | float) <= 0 %}
{% else %}
{% if (states('sensor.phase_2') | float) >= 1500 %}
{% else %}
{{((states('sensor.phase_2')|float - spa_watts | float) | abs)}}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% else %}
{% endif %}
{% else %}
{% endif %}