I have a helper where I want to set a time for when I leave my house. That time will then be used in an automation but start my heater 30 minutes before (so the car is warm when I leave)
With this template {{strptime(states(‘input_datetime.leaving_time’), “%H:%M:%S”) - timedelta( minutes = 30 ) }}
I got 1900-01-01 06:30:00 (even that I am using only time in the helper)
So how can I in an automation trig the “leaving_time” - 30 minutes?
Example: I set the helper to 07:00 and I want the automation activate a service 06:30
With great help from you it works perfectly with an input helper (time) and start 30 minutes earlier
To make it even more complex I also want to use a dropdown helper for select a leaving time from a list.
Can I use similar template? It seems that I can’t get the timestamp as an attribute so I cant do the calculation ("-30*60). Can I convert like 06:00 to a timestamp format?