How to trigger Smart Life scenes from Home Assistant

I just bought a bunch of Novostella smart floodlights from

They’re working great. They are controlled via the “Smart Life” app and I’ve been able to pull them into Home Assistant, no problem.

I am now trying to not only turn them on, but also apply a dynamic effect or scene. From within the Smart Life app, when I click on one of the lights, there are a bunch of scenes available:

I am trying to figure out how to trigger the scene via HA. I tried using the “Effect” attribute of light.turn_on, but that didn’t seem to work:

service: light.turn_on
  effect: Colorful
  entity_id: light.front_center_left_floodlight

Any ideas?


To apply a scene or effect to a light using Home Assistant, you will need to use the light.turn_on service and specify the desired effect in the effect parameter. For example:

service: light.turn_on
  effect: Colorful
  entity_id: light.front_center_left_floodlight

This should apply the Colorful effect to the light with the entity ID light.front_center_left_floodlight.

Thanks for replying. This is exactly what I tried, but it didn’t seem to work for these lights. :frowning: