How to type something into frontend and have sent as notification?

Not sure if this is possible other than using the dev tools and going to the services, select notify and type in the whole syntax of the message. Less than ideal and you have to know the json formatting.

Basically I want to have a spot in lovelace where I can type in a few words and have them sent as a notification. I have a few automations that do this, but I can’t make them for every possible thing I may want to pass on to someone sitting in front of the TV or similar.

Anything like this exist?


You could probably do it with an input_text. Then have an automation be triggered on its state changing, that sends the notification using the state of the input_text for the message.

Looks promising. It even looks like I may be able to use the input select to choose which notification I want to send. Unless I’m looking at it wrong.
Will see what i can come up with.
Thanks for the reply!

I use a script for that, and have it sound over the intercom. you could replace the tts message with any notification service:

    alias: 'Intercom text message'
      - condition: template
        value_template: >
          {{ is_state('input_boolean.announce_intercom', 'on') }}
      - service: media_player.volume_set
          entity_id: >
          volume_level: >
            {{  states('input_number.intercom_volume')|float }}
#            # {{ states('sensor.intercom_volume')|float  }}
      - service: tts.google_say
          language: >
          entity_id: >
          message: >


Well I would love to get to the point of being able to announce it like you have it, but I don’t have media players that are always on like that.
I’m Just trying to display a message on a TV or send one via text right now.

I’m making some success, but a bit confused on how you get the lovelace.
Could you show me the code you use for the input text and input select?

Thanks for the help so far!